Hello everyone!
First Newsletter of this"new season", already marked by the particular health context.
The first piece of good news is that, barring a sudden worsening of the epidemic, the next ESSCA Awards will be held as agreed on September 17 at the Cercle France Amériques in Paris, starting at 7:30 p.m., with reinforced security measures.
However, we still run the risk of having to reduce the number of places at the last minute. So don't delay in registering, as there are less than 50 places left at the time we send you this newsletter.
The second piece of good news is that, despite an "out of the ordinary" entrance exam and inclusion in Parcours Sup, the School has successfully recruited for 2020/2021 in both the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE) and Bachelor programs, confirming the attractiveness of our beloved ESSCA, whose campuses now welcome over 6,000 students.
We're taking advantage of this new season to launch a new section: "Solidarité du réseau en actions". Today, 2 students and 1 alumni are appealing to the network for help. Thank you in advance for your actions on their behalf.
Happy reading and see you next week for a "special ESSCA Awards" Newsletter!
ESSCA is for life!
Patrick Bouillet
Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni