NL N°39 FEBRUARY 2021  

Hello everyone!

This 39th issue of our newsletter is all about nostalgia and the future!

Nostalgia in the presentation of the ESSCA Museum, innovation 2021, whose aim is to bring together the archives of our beautiful School and the memories of the student years that have made us so vibrant! A video explains the concept. We need your help to bring this museum to life!

Nostalgia, too, in the desire we sense that you have to get together to celebrate your graduation anniversaries. 10, 20, 25 or 30 years - whatever the date or the exact number! All you need is the desire to get together, a few volunteers to get the ball rolling, and Delphine de Ghellinck will do the rest to make sure your reunion goes off without a hitch!

Avenir, to introduce you to the consulates: an army of alumni volunteers abroad, ready to advise students and graduates on settling in a particular country. A welcome service in these anxious times for young people whose student lives have been turned upside down.

Avenir, in all the workshops/webinars we offer in the agenda. Club Digital, Club Impact Positif, Atelier Linkedin....Our offer is growing and diversifying. We're delighted to see that you're responding to our proposals, and we're committed to addressing your concerns. Don't hesitate to share your ideas with us.

Cultivating attachment, preparing and nurturing the future - the very essence of our association...

Enjoy your reading!

Alix de Verneuil (class of 1998)

ESSCA Alumni Development Manager

Life of the association
Présentation du service des Consulats en vidéo !

Il y a 2 ans, ESSCA...

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Découvrez le musée ESSCA en Vidéo !

L’ESSCA, c’est pour la vie… mais c’est aussi pour l’histoire !

1909 voyait la naissance de notre belle école. Pourtant forte de plus d’un siècle d’existence (nous venons de fêter les 111 ans de...

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Club Life
Nouveau départ, nouvelle équipe pour le club des entrepreneurs !

Depuis quelques mois, le Club des Entrepreneurs n'est malheureusement plus actif.

Notre réseau...

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Recherche Animateurs pour certains Clubs thématiques !

Les Club thématiques profitent de la bonne dynamique Alumni pour s'étoffer : nous recherchons...

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Life of the Entrepreneurs
La Saga des Entreprises Made in France

Nous vous présentons "Ma Petite Française" une microbrasserie 100 % made in France, bio et...

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Upcoming events
Thursday 11 March
Webinar "MasterClass LinkedIn

1h30 with Antoine Jambart, one of France's leading practitioners on the subject in 2020, to access...

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Thursday 11 March
Club Digital #4 - Speed Meeting

Building on the success of the first Club Digital speed meeting, which brought together around...

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Prom birthdays
Et si on fêtait vos 10, 20, 30, 40 ...ans de promo ?

Oublions 2020 et projetons nous sur 2021 !

Nous avons tous besoin de positif, de convivialité et de...

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School life
L'enquête premier emploi, c'est parti !

Comme tous les ans, le Service Orientation et Carrière de l’ESSCA a lancé l’enquête 1er emploi...

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Thibaut BAYART (1999)

Thibault Bayart is appointed Chairman of Chronodrive. Co-founded in 2002 by Martin Toulemonde...

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Emilie Lowenbach has been promoted to CSR and communications...

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Edmond de Rothschild's non-listed franchise welcomes Olivier...

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Charlotte DELMAS (1999)

Charlotte Delmas joins Datawords, world leader in...

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Vincent DUFRESNE (2021)

We have learned of the death of Vincent Dufresne, a 5th year student, on January 14, 2021. We offer...

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