ESSCA overtakes IESEG... in terms of number of applicants

Hello everyone!

While autumn is a time for raking up the dead leaves, for ESSCA it's spring when the good news comes thick and fast...

After the rankings and renewals of accreditations and labels, the figures for applications to the Parcoursup' entrance exams were released last night.

For the first time in years, the number of applicants to ESSCA 's competitive entrance exam is higher than that of IESEG... and significantly so! With an increase of over 21% compared to 2020, nearly 6,700 candidates (vs. 5,355 in 2020) will be attempting to enter our beloved school.

With the number of students in each year remaining stable overall, this is a clear sign of our commitment to excellence. A very positive sign for the future of our community. Also noteworthy is thegrowing appeal of the "new campuses" (notably Lyon and Bordeaux, and to a lesser extent Aix), which are attracting to their catchment areas applicants we would not have had without their creation 4 years ago.

We'll give you the full figures in our next newsletter.

We'll also be putting the spotlight on the association's HR offering, including new features such as online skills assessment.

ESSCA Employment Task Force: Over 200 of you downloaded the profiles of the 22 young 2020 graduates looking for a job. If you missed this mailing, find the file here.

Finally, a round-up of the latest news on workshops, portraits and Club events.

Also worth noting is the launch of an online conference cycle on retail, "An hour with...". 1st opus next Thursday (April 15) with Nicolas Delteil (95) CEO of Nestlé Céréales.

Happy reading!

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

Life of the association
Tout sur l'accompagnement de carrière avec ESSCA Alumni


La vocation première de notre association est de vous accompagner tout au long de votre carrière professionnelle.

Mais connaissez-vous tous nos services ? 


1. les Ateliers et Webinaires 



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Focus sur Mes solutions climat, le 15eme rendez-vous du Club impact positif (le 22.04 à 12h)

Fruit de la forte implication de la communauté Alumni, nous poursuivons nos échanges sur les thématiques environnementales et sociétales avec un nouvel atelier, pensé comme une extension de la Fresque...

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School life
Wednesday 14 April
Family Business Webinar: "Lactalis conquers the world

Lactalis conquers the world: Ambition, Commitment, Simplicity

Wednesday April 14, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

This webinar is brought to you by Vincent Calvez, as part of the Institut des Entreprises...

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Graduate Profile
Rencontre avec Romain Pellat (Promo 2019), co-fondateur de Mister Bin, la poubelle qui trie et compresse vos déchets !

Nous avons rencontré Romain PELLAT (Promo 2019), Co-fondateur de Mister Bin, une poubelle innovante et ludique qui reconnaît, trie, compresse et contrôle le niveau de remplissage.

=> Découvrez l'...

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Workshops of the month
Tuesday 13 April
Using theatrical techniques to make an impact over video

Successful speaking is not always easy for many of us. And with video, the challenge is even...

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Tuesday 27 April
Information meeting on the Cap Positif program

Special offer : Discover the Cap positif program to find your job or project with a positive impact!

A 2-month program offered by Little Big Impact to :

get to know you better identify and explore...

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Thursday 29 April
Dynamic skills assessment information meeting

Are you wondering about your professional future?

Discover the "dynamic" assessment to help you regain control of your professional life!

A personalized remote assessment, accessible wherever you...

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Thursday 06 May
Webinar "The writing approach to change

Essca au Féminin invites you to a Webinar on the theme of personal and professional development.

How to cope with change?

The writing approach to change.

Change is part of our...

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Club Life
Lancement d'un nouveau format pour le Club Retail et Grande Conso

Le club Retail et Grande Conso, animé par Stéphane Berton (promo 95), concerne de manière non exhaustive les professionnels du Retail et de la Grande Conso dans les secteurs suivants : Luxe, Mode, ...

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Tuesday 13 April
Club Digital #5 - Speed Meeting

Essca Alumni, Marco-Philippe Dubreuil ( Scoopitone - Promo 1985) and Louisa Mesnard (Elaia Partners - Promo 2014) are pleased to invite you to a new speed meeting!
The aim is simple: to network "as...

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Thursday 22 April
Positive Impact Club #15: My Climate Solutions

Thanks to the strong involvement of the Alumni community, we're continuing our exchanges on environmental and societal themes with a new workshop, designed as an extension of the Fresque du Climat...

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Thursday 15 April
Club Retail / "An hour with...Nicolas Delteil, CEO Nestlé Céréales "

The Retail Club, hosted by Stéphane Berton (class of 1995), offers a new format: One hour with .....

Principle: 1 or 2 times a month, the Retail-Grande Conso Club welcomes an alumni manager from a...

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Monday 03 May
Club Retail / "An hour with...Dominique Schelcher President of Système U".

ESSCA ALUMNI and the Retail et Grande Conso club, led by Stéphane Berton (class of '95) are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Rendezvous"An hour with..." for an open discussion on the situation we have...

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Victoria Aubry has been promoted to network marketing and communications manager for Volvo Car...

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David-Alexandre GADMER (1996)

David-Alexandre Gadmer has been promoted to Managing Partner in Financial Advisory at Lazard Frères France, a position he has held since February 2021. He has nearly 20 years' experience in debt and...

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Pascal RIALLAND (1984)

Pascal Rialland has been appointed Chairman of the Management Board of Videlio, a position he has held since March 2021, replacing Jean-Philippe Melet.
Pascal Rialland, 58, ESSCA (1984), has had the...

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Edward Bouygues has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer of the Bouygues Group, a position he has held since February 2021. He reports directly to Olivier Roussat, Chief Executive Officer. He is...

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