Wishing you all the best for the New Year, a look back at the Annual General Meeting - All the latest network news, news from the school.

Hello everyone!

This is the 1st newsletter of what we hope will be a more "linear" year. The whole team of permanent staff, the new Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the association join me in wishing you a very happy new year 2022.

We would like to take this opportunity to look back on the Annual General Meeting 2022, which took place on January 11.

It was a special AGM, as it saw the passing of the torch from Stanislas de Gastines (95), ESSCA Alumni President for the past 7 years, to Vincent Harel (00 ), President of Mercer France.

The association's annual strategy seminar, attended by all Board members, also took place on January 11. The purpose of these discussions is to set the association's development priorities for the next 3 years.

We have drawn heavily on the findings of the survey we administered last November/December.

We are also launching the annual consultation for the next ESSCA Awards! Tell us about your candidates under one of the 5 headings of the Awards via the survey you should have received by e-mail. Registrations for the Awards will open shortly.

In addition to the usual headings, nominations, job offers and, of course, the association's programme of events at the end of January and February , as well as the many school initiatives we'd like to keep you informed about.

Enjoy your reading, and we look forward to seeing you soon at an event organized by the association. The fine weather will be back soon, and so will face-to-face afterworks!

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

Life of the association
Voeux de nos Présidents

Le 11 janvier dernier a vu la passation de témoin entre Stanislas de Gastines(95), Président de l'Association depuis 2014 et Vincent Harel (00) actuel Président de Mercer France.


L'occasion pour eux...

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Une page se tourne après le mandat de Stanislas de Gastines

Cette assemblée générale a vu la fin d’un cycle puisqu’atteint par la limite de mandats, Stanislas de Gastines, Président de l’association pendant 7 ans et associé d’EY, passe la main à Vincent Harel,...

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Vincent Harel (00), le nouveau Président d'ESSCA Alumni

Le CA renouvelé de 3 nouveaux administrateurs qui a suivi l'Assemblée Générale 2022 a élu Vincent...

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Retour sur l'enquête alumni administrée en novembre

Nous vous l'avions promis, nous vous faisons aujourd'hui retour des enseignements de l'enquête administrée auprès des alumni en novembre et décembre 2021.


Tout d'abord merci aux plus de 770 alumni...

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Retour sur l'assemblée générale du 11 janvier 2022

Le 11 janvier dernier s'est tenue en distanciel, notre Assemblée Générale 2022.

Vous pourrez retrouver le support de nos échanges en suivant ce lien 

En synthèse, l'année 2020/2021, bien que fortement...

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workshops of the month
Saturday 22 January
Cryptocurrency rates

Discover the general principle of Bitcoin as well as its technical infrastructure (Blockchain, mining, protocol). On a practical level, the functioning of a wallet will be explained from the opening...

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Tuesday 01 February
Linkedin and personal branding" webinar

Used by 95% of HR and recruiters, this professional platform has become the extension of our professional image.

It's now essential to have a presence on it, whether you're looking for an internship,...

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Thursday 03 February
Voice coaching / Turn your voice into an ally!


Given the success of this workshop, we'll be proposing a new date.

Essca au féminin offers you a new distance learning workshop

led by vocal coach Nathalie Bonnaud (class of...

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Thursday 10 February
Webinar on CVs and e-mail pitches

We're going to look at the role of the CV in the recruitment process.

We'll look at how, in just a few seconds, it can

stand out from the competition, get past the vital sorting stage, enable the...

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Tuesday 15 February
AVARAP information meeting

AVARAP is an association founded in 1984 to help executives looking for work or currently employed to build a new career plan.

AVARAP's mission :

Accompany job-seeking or current executives in the...

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Club Life
WANTED : Responsable du Club Médias

Les ESSCA et les médias, c’est encore une longue histoire !

En France, à l’international, à Paris ou en Régions, en agence, chez l’annonceur, en régie publicitaire, en institut de sondage ou en...

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Wednesday 02 February
Club Immobilier / PINEL: why is investing in early 2022 a good idea?

Wednesday, February 2, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

6th Real Estate Club conference (webinar format)

Topic: PINEL, why is it ideal to invest in early 2022?

Because the period is still favorable... but it's...

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Investisseurs Particuliers & Professionnels : Découvrez les start up Essca le 15 février prochain !

Escca Alumni et François Even (Promo 2004) Directeur de participations chez Arkea Capital et INCUB'ESSCA ont le plaisir de vous inviter au 4eme rendez-vous du Club Investisseurs qui aura lieu le ...

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Thursday 03 February
Club Digital: speed meeting - visio

Join us for a new networking event, in video with Marc-Philippe Dubreuil ( Scoopitone - Promo 1985) and Louisa Mesnard (Elaia Partners - Promo 2014) on Thursday February 3 at 8:30 am.


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Tuesday 22 February
Exceptional visit to the Senate

As part of the creation and launch of the Culture and Heritage Club, we are pleased to offer you an exceptional tour of the French Senate.

Our guide will be Serge Babary, ESSCA alumnus from the class...

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Graduate Life
Rencontre avec Sébastien GAFFORI (promo 1998), pour le développement d'Openfield en Europe !

Nous avons rencontré Sébastien GAFFORI (Promo 2007), Directeur développement & stratégie d'Openfield, une agence internationale de transformation par le design, à l'occasion de l'ouverture de l'agence...

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Concours Jeunes Talents 2022 Presse Océan : Votez pour Memorio, le projet de Hadrien Castaing (Promo 2021)

Memorio est une jeune start-up nantaise co-fondée par Hadrien Castaing (Promo 2021), ancien étudiant du MSC Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking de l’ESSCA, et Pierre Hilligot, intervenant auprès des 2...

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Marine Guiot has been promoted to CSR Director of JLL France, a position she has held since January...

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Thibaut Lameyse has been promoted to Corporate Secretary of Scor Investment Partners, in this...

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Véronique ROUSSEAU (1993)

Véronique Rousseau has been appointed Managing Director of Destination Rennes, a position she has...

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François COLLET (2004)

François Collet has been appointed General Partner of ISAI, effective October 2021.

François Collet...

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16-12-2021 : François L'hénoret has been promoted to Director of Development at Financière Arbevel,...

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Job offers
Senior Sales Manager Europe & Russia
CDI , Paris
Reporting to the VP Sales, you are in charge of Brands Beyond Beauty sales for the key European...
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Directeur.trice Régional.e Paris & FRANCE NORD
CDI , Paris
- Vous développez et optimisez le CA et la marge de votre région. - Vous animez et motivez une...
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Directeur de Domaine
CDI , Abidjan
Description du poste - Gestion d'un domaine agricole composé de plusieurs unités de production et...
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Chargé(e) de Projet E-commerce
CDI , Signes
Au sein d'un département digital en pleine évolution, le/la chef de projets e-commerce est en charge...
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Analyste Pricing (F/H)
CDI , Lyon
Afin d'accompagner la professionnalisation des processus pricing chez nos clients manufacturiers et...
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Responsable Marketing Développement
CDI , Paris
Véritable bras droit de la direction générale vous êtes responsable du marketing stratégique et...
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More job offers
Jacques LECUYER (1970)

We are saddened to learn of the death of Jacques Lecuyer on 10/08/2021.

Yves TETARD (1969)

We have learned of the death of Yves Tetard on October 1, 2021.

Fiona Finnegan (1997)

We are saddened to announce the death of Fiona Finnegan, class of 1997, in a tragic road accident.

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