Register for the ESSCA Awards - Vote for your candidates - Attend one of the 14 events already scheduled between now and the end of April

Hello everyone!

3rd newsletter of the year, with a focus on the ESSCA Awards, the organization of which is well underway.

Register now by following this link and join the 95 other participants who have already registered .Please note: places are limited to 300, and last year's event was a sell-out despite the Covid.

When you register for this event, which is free for you but represents over 10% of the association's budget, we invite you to make a donation, even a symbolic one, to the ESSCA Foundation in support of social inclusion at the school.

A kind of generous "Giving back" for which the beneficiary students will be forever grateful.

The ESSCA Awards pre-prize list has now been finalized, and by March 31 you will receive an e-mail enabling you to indicate your candidates for each of the 5 categories in contention. Voting (limited to ESSCA alumni) will be open until May 15.

In addition to the usual columns, we'll be announcing the nominations and, of course, the packed program of 14 association events scheduled between now and the end of April , as well as the many school initiatives we'd like to keep you informed about.

Set upyour alerts on our "job offers" section, whose appeal is growing month by month... more than 50 offers have been posted since the beginning of March, and over 400 since last September. Recruiters and candidates... to your keyboards!

Happy reading, and see you soon at an event organized by the association!

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

Life of the association
ESSCA Alumni Transition, késako ?

L'initiative ESSCA Transition a été lancée en 2021 par des alumni de diverses promos désireux d'inciter et accompagner l'ESSCA à accélérer sa transition écologique et sociale. En quelques mois, son...

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Des profils personnels à jour : la richesse et la valeur d'usage de notre réseau

Save the date : forum "Ambitions Transitions" du 7 au 9 avril

Le 1er forum inter-écoles des métiers engagés aura lieu le 7 avril à distance puis les 8 et 9 avril à l'Académie du Climat, à Paris.

ESSCA Alumni Transition s'associe à une dizaine de collectifs...

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Club innovation : un an déjà !

C'est sous l'impulsion d'Isabelle Souquières (Promo 2006), co-fondatrice et DG de Synovora (start-up proposant des innovations en santé et e-santé) que nous avons créé le Club innovation.

Cette année...

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ESSCA Alumni soutient l'Entrepreneuriat

Parce que soutenir l'Entrepreneuriat est une de nos missions, nous avons relancé le club des Entrepreneurs avec la complicité de Xavier Croux et Cyril Crugnola, tous deux diplômés 1997

Ouvert à tous...

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Tuesday 14 June

The 5th ESSCA Awards are launched!

This year, we'll be welcoming you once again to the sumptuous salons of theHôtel Potocki, headquarters of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

During the...

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Prom Birthday
Saturday 07 May
Jubilee of the class of '71 / 50 years is something to celebrate!

A day of reunion in Angers to celebrate your 50 (+1) years of promotion.

Saturday May 7th 2022


12pm: lunch at the Château d'Angers

2pm: city tour

3:30 pm: welcome to the school by Jean...

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School life
La nouvelle implantation ESSCA : Strasbourg

QS World University Rankings : l'école a besoin de nous !

Comme vous le savez, l'école est impliquée dans une concurrence féroce avec les autres écoles de management françaises bien sûr mais également internationale.


Cette compétition s'appuie notamment...

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Startup Opening Day @INCUB'ESSCA - April 5, between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Startup Opening Day @INCUB'ESSCA - Come and discover student-entrepreneur projects!

Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Would you like to find out more about the projects developed at school by...

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workshops of the month
Tuesday 29 March
Linkedin and personal branding" webinar

Used by 95% of HR and recruiters, this professional platform has become the extension of our professional image.

It's now essential to have a presence on it, whether you're looking for an internship,...

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Tuesday 05 April
Job interview" webinar

In France, the recruitment decision is made during the job interview.

It's a crucial moment, where everything hinges on a few things. It's all about getting the job right, and there's no second chance...

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Tuesday 12 April
[Webinar] "Be successful during your professional transition".

Some practical tips for managing your career transition

This webinar is aimed in particular at people who are considering a professional transition (whether they're in post or not), so that they can...

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Club Life
Wednesday 30 March
Real Estate Club afterwork

2nd ESSCA Alumni Real Estate Club Afterwork

Same place, same format!

Wednesday March 30 from 7pm at Le SIX

Real estate agents, property hunters, trustees, property managers, brokers, construction...

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Thursday 31 March
LYON: Discovery tour of a jewelry workshop and afterwork party

ESSCA ALUMNI, Anne Claire Gautheron (2007), Caroline Scotti (1996) and Alice Deloffre-Blondé (1994) are pleased to invite you to a tour of theFELDOERF jewelry workshop, followed by an afterwork dinner...

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Wednesday 06 April
Entrepreneurs' Club webinar #2

Company creation

Wednesday April 6, 2022 - 12:30 pm to 2 pm - Hosted by Aurélien Esposito

Working out your offer Choosing your legal status Signing a partnership agreement

Thursday 07 April
Investors Club #5: Afterwork at Fief Breton Paris

Essca Alumni and François Even (Class of 2004), Investment Director at Arkea Capital, are pleased to invite you to the 5th Investors' Club meeting !

Let's get together for a spring afterwork,...

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Thursday 07 April
CANCELLED / PARIS: Literary afterwork

Due to several Covid cases within the ESSCA Au Féminin team, we are forced to postpone the event to a later date.

For its next Paris afterwork, ESSCA Au Féminin invites you all to a " literary...

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Thursday 07 April
Afterwork in Montreal

Save the Date!

The health hibernation is over!

Mathieu Courtat, head of the Montreal Club, invites you to join him for the visit to Montreal of ESSCA General Manager Jean Charroin, accompanied by his...

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Wednesday 13 April
Club Impact positif: Quality of life at work, team cohesion and a sense of belonging in the age of teleworking

ESSCA ALUMNI is pleased to present a new event hosted by Edward PALLU and Vincent JUILLIARD (Class of 2012), Co-Founder of LITTLE BIG IMPACT and Head of the Positive Impact Club. Edward PALLU is...

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Friday 13 May
Club Digital picnic in Paris

Join us for a new networking event, hosted by Marc-Philippe Dubreuil ( Scoopitone - Promo 1985) and Louisa Mesnard (Elaia Partners - Promo 2014) on Friday May 13 from 12:00 pm.

We'll be having a ...

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Graduate Life
Rencontre avec Bertrand Lepage (Promo 2011), CEO de Wattpark, écosysteme de recharge pour les véhicules électriques !

Nous avons rencontré Bertrand Lepage (Promo 2011), CEO de Wattpark, écosysteme de recharge pour les véhicules électriques !

=> Découvrez l'interview vidéo ou poursuivez votre lecture...

Pourquoi as...

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Rencontre avec Arthur de Jerphanion (Promo 2013), Co-fondateur de Tandem, le vélo électrique de fonction accessible à tous !

Nous avons rencontré Arthur de Jerphanion (Promo 2013), Co-fondateur de Tandem, le vélo électrique de fonction accessible à tous.

=> Découvrez l'interview vidéo ou poursuivez votre lecture...


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Emmanuel Charpentier has been appointed IA Business Director of DAT France, a position he has held since February 2022. Emmanuel reports directly to Philippe Perechodkin, Managing Director. He is...

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Job offers
Finance Manager
CDI , Paris
Rattaché(e) directement au CFO/COO de Mobile Club, tu intégreras la team Finance/Operations...
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Auditeur(trice) Interne H/F
CDI , Paris (75)
La direction de l'Audit interne de France TV, est composée de 5 collaborateurs, rattachée...
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Chef de Marchés Tourisme
CDI , Puteaux
Au sein de la Direction Commerciale, et plus particulièrement au sein du pôle Ventes partenaires,...
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Inside Sales H/F
CDI , Paris 11
Le sens du service et la vente par téléphone non plus de secret pour vous ? Vous avez envie de...
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Sales - Chef(fe) de Projet Conception
CDI , Aix-Marseille
Vos missions : En charge de votre propre portefeuille client, vous serez amené à accompagner vos...
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Chargé(e) de Recrutement
CDD , Gennevilliers
CDD (6 MOIS) Dans le cadre d'un remplacement de congé maternité, nous recherchons actuellement...
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Directeur Général H/F
CDI , Paris 6ème
Sous l'autorité du Président, le Directeur Général aura pour mission de développer, piloter et...
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Investor Reporting / Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services – Manager / Senior Manager - 80-100%
CDI , Zurich / Genève
You'll work as part of a team of problem solvers with extensive transaction, deals, accounting,...
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