Hello everyone!
This 39th issue of our newsletter is all about nostalgia and the future!
Nostalgia in the presentation of the ESSCA Museum, innovation 2021, whose aim is to bring together the archives of our beautiful School and the memories of the student years that have made us so vibrant! A video explains the concept. We need your help to bring this museum to life!
Nostalgia, too, in the desire we sense that you have to get together to celebrate your graduation anniversaries. 10, 20, 25 or 30 years - whatever the date or the exact number! All you need is the desire to get together, a few volunteers to get the ball rolling, and Delphine de Ghellinck will do the rest to make sure your reunion goes off without a hitch!
Avenir, to introduce you to the consulates: an army of alumni volunteers abroad, ready to advise students and graduates on settling in a particular country. A welcome service in these anxious times for young people whose student lives have been turned upside down.
Avenir, in all the workshops/webinars we offer in the agenda. Club Digital, Club Impact Positif, Atelier Linkedin....Our offer is growing and diversifying. We're delighted to see that you're responding to
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