ESSCA Awards: a success, the pleasure of meeting in a prestigious venue face-to-face at last

Hello everyone!

As the 9th newsletter of the year and the first of the new school year, the ESSCA Alumni team wishes you all the best for the new year.

On September 15, 2021, the 4th ESSCA Awards were held at the Potocki Hotel. And in the opinion of all participants, it was a success, with 300 registered and nearly 250 in attendance.

We'll be coming back to this event and the 2021 Awards in this Newsletter.

You'll also find our full back-to-school program, including class anniversaries, afterworks, workshops and webinars. Mark your calendars!

Last but not least, a new recurring feature: job offers from our network to members of our network.

A reminder for our alumni recruiters: use our free Jobboard. For more information:

Happy reading, and see you soon at an event organized by the association.

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

Life of the association
ESSCA Awards 2021: the success of maturity!

For this 4th edition, the one of maturity, we wanted to make a big splash by choosing one of the most prestigious venues in Paris as the setting for our ESSCA Awards: the Hôtel Potocki - headquarters...

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Véronique Faujour, lauréate du Grand Prix 2021

Le 15 septembre 2021 a eu lieu la 4ème édition des ESSCA Awards. Une cérémonie qui a comme objectif de récompenser et souligner des parcours d'alumni dans divers domaines. Soirée qui  a eu lieu dans...

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Guillaume LEPRINCE (Promo 97), lauréat du Parcours International 2021

Le 15 septembre 2021 a eu lieu la 4ème édition des ESSCA Awards. Une cérémonie qui a comme objectif de récompenser et souligner des parcours d'alumni dans divers domaines. Soirée qui  a eu lieu dans...

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Marion Désert, lauréate du Prix Jeune Talent 2021


Le 15 septembre 2021 a eu lieu la 4ème édition des ESSCA Awards. Une cérémonie qui a comme objectif de récompenser et souligner des parcours d'alumni dans divers domaines. Soirée qui  a eu lieu dans...

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Philippe de Boërio, a doctor for the Prix Atypique 2021

The 4th edition of the ESSCA Awards took place on September 15, 2021. The aim of this ceremony is to reward and highlight alumni achievements in various fields. The evening took place in a prestigious...

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Essca Transition, Special Jury Prize Essca Awards 2021

The 4th edition of the ESSCA Awards took place on September 15, 2021. The aim of this ceremony is to reward and highlight alumni achievements in various fields. The evening took place in a prestigious...

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ESSCA Awards 2021 : Nos partenaires toujours au rendez-vous !

Devant la crise du Covid, les partenariats et soutiens à certains événements emblématiques peuvent être remis en cause. Malgré les difficultés, SYSTEME U, MERCER et PRIMAX ont tenu à respecter leur...

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School life
Premiers pas du Partenariat Executive MBA Antwerp Management School - Groupe ESSCA

Lancement réussi pour le premier séminaire Entrepreneuriat de l’Executive MBA, en partenariat avec Antwerp Management School (AMS).

Les 27 et 28 août 2021, l’ESSCA recevait, sur le campus de Paris, 50...

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class anniversaries
Saturday 25 September
Promo 75 / ESSCA's entrance jubilee

September 1971 / September 2021


Reunion weekend September 25 & 26 in Angers

Program of...

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Saturday 09 October
Promo 91 / 30 years already!

Weekend reunion

October 9...

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Saturday 09 October
Promo 90 / 30 years + 1!


  What do you want to do ? ...

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Saturday 09 October
Promo 95 / 25 years + 1

25 years, and then some! That was yesterday...

Stéphane Berton, Marie Caroline Albé-Morin and Pascale Corre-Devoille have come up with the perfect venueto celebrate ...

Let's meet on October 9 in...

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Des retrouvailles exceptionnelles pour les 20 ans de la promo 2000

Samedi 18 septembre 2021.

La promo 2000 se réunit pour ses 20 ans…

Léger retard lié à un contexte 2020 quelque peu complexe mais avec un peu de patience et de combativité, elle a bel et bien eu lieu...

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Back to school workshops
Thursday 30 September
Introduction to sophrology

Sophie Degroote invites you to spend 1 hour together to take a break, breathe and learn more about this method.

The workshop will be divided into 3...

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Friday 01 October
Answering trick questions in interviews" webinar

Answering trick questions in interviews

Would you like to be better prepared and improve your performance in recruitment...

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Club Life
Retour sur le dîner du Club Digital !

ESSCA ALUMNI, Louisa Mesnard (Elaia Partners - Promo 2014) et Marc-Philippe Dubreuil (Scoopitone - Promo 1985) organisaient mardi 21 septembre un...

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Thursday 30 September
RENNES / Back-to-school afterwork!

After a long break due to the pandemic,Claire Longuet (class of 2003) invites you to a back-to-school afterwork session

Thursday, September 30 from...

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Tuesday 05 October
Club immobilier / How can you make sense of your investment with SCPIs and OPCIs without being a millionaire?

How, without being a millionaire, can you give meaning to your investment with SCPIs and OPCIs?


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Wednesday 06 October
Club Investisseurs #3: Afterwork Café Marcel Paris 8ème

Escca Alumni and François Even (Class of 2004) Investment Director at Arkea Capital are pleased to invite you to the 3rd Investors' Club meeting !


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Thursday 07 October
Club automobile & nouvelles mobilités: Launch afterwork

AsESSCA 'sAutomotive Distribution and Services Chair celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, ESSCA Alumni is pleased to invite you to the launch...

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Thursday 14 October
Club Retail / An hour with...Nathalie Gamby Fauchez Marketing and Customer Experience Director at Vorwerk

ESSCA ALUMNI and the Retail - Grande Conso club, led byStéphane Berton (class of '95) are pleased to invite you to the 7th Rendezvous"An hour with..."...

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Nathalie ZIMMERMANN (1990)

Nathalie Nénon-Zimmermann appointed Deputy Managing Director in charge of Marketing and Revenue at Olympique de Marseille !

Nathalie Nénon-Zimmermann has held a number of management positions in the...

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François LASSOURD (1993)

Appointment, 16/09/2021 : François Lassourd has been appointed Director of Development France & Corporate for Hana Group, a position he has held since April 2021.

François Lassourd, ESSCA (1993), has...

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We have learned of the death of Guillaume FONTENEAU (Bachelor ESIAME 1998) on 20/07/2021.

Chantal Schonbeck

Born LEBERT in 1943 to a family from Anjou.

In 1966, she moved to Canada with her husband from 1966...

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Olivier ROLLAND (1991)

We have learned of the death ofOlivier ROLLAND (Class of 1991) on 07/13/2021.

Job offers
Consultant SIRH Junior
CDI , La Défense
VOS MISSIONS ✅ Vos missions, en tant que Consultant SIRH Junior, sont très variées et en lien avec...
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Chef de Projet Financier (H/ F)
CDI , Noisy-le-Grand
Votre mission chez Groupe Coriance : Nous plaçons le développement durable au cœur de notre...
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Consultant en Recrutement (H/F)
CDI , Aix-en-Provence
Les missions qui vous seront attribuées seront articulées autour de deux grands axes :...
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Talent Acquisition Manager
CDI , Marseille
La qualité et le professionnalisme de nos opérateurs : voilà ce qui fait le succès de Taxi Service....
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More job offers