Events calendar

Class of 92/96: Celebrating 30 years at ESSCA!
A reunion evening in Paris to celebrate your 30 years at ESSCA!
Saturday January 14, 2023 from 7pm.
Meet on the "Marcounet" barge, an exceptional venue in the heart of historic Paris, at the foot of Pont Marie, between Hôtel de Ville and Île Saint Louis.
Registration and payment via the Alumni website
We wanted this event to be useful as well as festive, by raising funds for the ESSCA Foundation to help finance a student's studies.
So there are several price levels in addition to the 95 euros (price for the evening only).
The difference will simply go to the fund for the ESSCA Foundation, so we're counting on your generosity...
Thank you all, and we hope to see many of you for this wonderful evening of reunion.
For those of you from the provinces, we've set up a car-sharing platform - Thank you Claire de Longeaux - It's a great way to get together and reduce pollution!
ESSCA is for life!
Delphine de Ghellinck
Julien Fouriot
See all events
Saturday 14 January 2023
(GMT +1)
Barge Le Marcounet
Pont Marie
95 € Evening
110 € Bronze Donor Evening
130 € Silver Donor Evening
150 € Gold Donor Evening
Registration closed
Barge Le Marcounet
Pont Marie75004 Paris

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