NB: these are the broad outlines of the day, which is first and foremost yours. If you would like to discuss another subject or go into more depth on one of the topics proposed, please send your suggestions to Vincent Calvez: vincent.calvez@essca.fr
9 a.m. welcome
9:30am: Welcome by Jean Charroin : CEO of ESSCA Group.
9.40am: presentation of the day by Vincent Calvez, head of the Institut des Entreprises Familiales.
9:45 a. m.: start of debates and speeches
- What we don't learn at ESSCA:
- The hard knocks of entrepreneurship and how to overcome them
Debates illustrated by alumni testimonials.
12:30 p.m.: Convivial buffet lunch
2 p.m.: Resumption of debates
- The expertise of ESSCA professors at the service of companies and entrepreneurs.
4 p.m.: end of the day - summary and conclusions.