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"Generation Z is from Mars, managers are from Venus!"

Generation Z is the talk of the town!

As managers, you don't know which way to turn.

As a member of Gen Z, do you feel you're not being heard or understood?

Looking for tips, practical advice and, above all, solutions?

Well, you've come to the right place!

Charles BASSI, Director of the Bordeaux campus, is pleased to invite you to a unique event.

September 26, 2024 at 6:30pm.

"Generation Z is from Mars, managers are from Venus!"

Organized byESSCA BUSINESS HUB, in partnership with the CAREER CENTRE, this SHARE & RESOLVE workshop will focus on the differences and complementarities between Generation Z and today's managers.

Our aim is to work together to find the keys to better communication and to build bridges that will enable us to work together more effectively.

Our speakers

Three experts will share their insights and experiences:

  • Chloé BOIN, Traffic Manager at DBF Automobiles and spokesperson for Generation Z.
  • Xavier LESAGE, Professor of Strategy, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at ESSCA & spokesperson for managers.
  • Jean-Baptiste LION-PINSON, Specialist in Generation Z Management.

Jean-Baptiste will host the event!

Its objective? To create a dynamic, interactive atmosphere.

How can we do this? By encouraging discussion, reflection and debate.

And after the workshop?

Join us for a cocktail reception on the campus rooftop. An excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and network in a convivial atmosphere.

Reserve your place before September 16!

Thursday 26 September 2024
18:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 16th September
ESSCA Campus de Bordeaux
5 place d'armes
33100 Bordeaux
  • Free

Registration closed

ESSCA Campus de Bordeaux

5 place d'armes
33100 Bordeaux

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Thursday 26 September 2024
18:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 16th September
ESSCA Campus de Bordeaux
5 place d'armes
33100 Bordeaux
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 3 registrants
  • Add to my calendar