Notebook / Appointments

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22 April 2024
Stéphanie DELESALLE (1992)

Appointments - Director of Offer and Communications, Blancheporte

Appointment, 22/04/2024 : Stéphanie Delesalle Lepoutre has been appointed Director of Offer and Communications for Blancheporte, in this position since April 2024.

Stéphanie Delesalle Lepoutre, 53, holds a master's degree in international commerce from Essca (1992), and has completed the following career path:

2024: Blancheporte, Director of Offer and Communications

2021 - 2024: Okaïdi, Director of the Obaïbi offer

2017 - 2021 : Okaïdi, Obaïbi Market Director

2014 - 2016 : Promod, Collection Director

2006 - 2014 : Promod, Group Manager, skirt, pants and jacket

2004 : 2006 : Promod, Group Manager, blouses, coats, accessories, Middle East specific

Copyright Nomination 2024

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