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ESSCA Awards: a successful fifth edition!

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We had decided to meet on 14 June at the Hôtel Potocki (CCI Paris) to give out the 5 ESSCA Awards of the 2022 edition.

A splendid event to salute a splendid 2022 winner list. 

Let us recall that delightful evening…

The ESSCA Awards are undoubtedly blessed with an extremely efficient guardian angel.


Even the weather played along. Pleasant weather right before the heatwaves - last year the event was held the night before the implementation of the health restrictions… - our annual event thus took place under the best possible conditions and we were able to fully enjoy the garden and all of the areas provided by the venue.


We were sold out about a month before the event took place and there were more than 280 of us celebrating ESSCA’s most emblematic people of the year until after 1 a.m.


The Winners

A quick reminder about our selection process

In February and March, we asked you who you thought would be a good candidate to compete in one of the 5 categories of the ESSCA Awards (First Prize, International Prize, Young Talent, Unusual Path, CSR Prize). We received over 400 propositions and being nominated is an achievement in and of itself.


From mid-April to mid-May, the community voted on a short list from the nominations. Around 1 000 votes are needed for the poll to be representative enough. 


The first notable phenomenon from this year was that all of the prizes awarded by the community were linked to sustainability, corporate social responsibility and local manufacturing. The second point that struck us was the high number of women on the winner list.  


The third noteworthy aspect of the 5th edition is that all of the prizes rewarded entrepreneur-journeys. 


First Prize

Sébastien Tricaud et David Bastian (95) 


Co-Founders and Directors of Voyage Privé and Kiss Studio. 

The inspiring journey of a “couple” of serial entrepreneurs.

Following the success of Voyage Privé, the pair are now dedicating themselves 100% to their incubator, “Kiss Studio”.

They aim to help launch 2 impact start-ups every year.





The First Prize was presented by Patrick Le Mazou (class of 2000), Marketing Director at Brioche Dorée and Fournil de Pierre for the Le Duff Group - benefactor of the ESSCA Foundation


e International Prize

Mélanie Keïta (16)

Founder & CEO @Melanin Kapital.


In 2018, she created and has since led her own structure, an impact investment fund, Melanin Kapital. It aims to create sustainable local communities in Africa by connecting impact entrepreneurs and investors who share the same vision.


Mélanie KEÏTA is featured on the prestigious Forbes Top 30 under 30 (2021) list and is a member of the 100 Women in Finance NextGen Committee.




The International Prize was presented by Hervé Lanoë (promo 82) – Chief Executive of FIT – benefactor of the ESSCA Foundation



Young Talent

Alexia Pellassy (15)

Founder and Director of Meïla.


After working for a consulting firm, Alexia Pellassy created her own brand of sustainable lingerie.


Whilst preserving the know-how of French corset-makers, Alexia upholds French textile excellence. 





The Young Talent Prize was presented by Pierre Tastet (promo 89) – Chief Executive of Banque Populaire Rives de Paris – benefactor of the ESSCA Foundation



Unusual Path

Gaëlle Bonnieux (15)

Organic and permaculture farmer


After working for a long time in an impact NGO, Gaëlle decided in 2019 to invest in a Normandie farm based on an organic market-garden polyculture. 




The Unusual Path Prize was presented by Vincent Harel (class of 2000) – President of Mercer France and President of ESSCA Alumni – benefactor of the ESSCA Foundation


CSR Prize

Léa Thomassin (09)

Co-Founder & CEO Hello Asso


Fondatrice de HelloAsso, une plateforme/ERP dédiée aux associations .


La plate-forme accompagne plus de 180 000 associations ; a collecté plus de 600 millions d’euros à leur profit et compte 92 salariés.


Léa Thomassin est également cofondatrice et administratrice de la Fondation des Femmes, fondation de référence pour l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, et la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes.



Le Prix RSE était remis par Caroline Renoux (98) CEO de BIRDEO


La Fondation ESSCA 

Cette soirée fut l'occasion de remettre les premières dotations de la Fondation ESSCA à leur bénéficiaire.


Les bourses d'excellence

2 bourses d'excellence de 2000 € chacune ont été remises lors des ESSCA Awards par Philippe Marchand (personnalité qualifiée de la Fondation ESSCA. Elles sont venues récompenser les 2 majors de promotion de 4A :

- Mathilde Zanker (24) - 1ère Major de promo

- Gautier Villedey (24) - 2ème Major de promo


A noter que la Fondation a également attribué 8 bourses d'études de 2 000 € à des élèves de l'ESSCA en difficulté financière.


Les dotation à l'IPA 

3  dotations sont venu financer 3 projets d'innovations pédagogique pour un global de 5 000 €. Stanislas de Gastines, Président du collège fondateurs de la Fondation ESSCA a remis ces dotations à Barbara Dussous pour le compte de l'IPA : 


3 000 € : Naciba Chassignon (financé à 100% par la Fondation) - Pack pédagogique « Abduction créative responsable »   


1 000 € : Loïc Harriet - From Spielberg to Mintzberg: enjoy the Management


1 000 € : Laetitia Gabay-Mariani L’Art Thinking au service de la créativité et de la responsabilité de nos étudiants

Copyright : les photographies de la cérémonie ont été réalisées par Vincent Nageotte (tous droits réservés) et les reportages vidéos par VideoFlex - Benjamin Tardif. 

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