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The Challenges 2024 ranking is out = good news

07 December 2024 School life
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 243 times

Challenges magazine's 2025 ranking of the top business schools has just been published. Schools have been categorized as post-bac or post-pépa, according to their main recruitment route, to produce two distinct rankings. Thematic rankings dedicated to international business or CSR, for example, do not include post-bac business schools.

ESSCA maintains its leadership and 2nd place for its Grande Ecole program, and also confirms its position among the top 3 programs for its Bachelor in International Management.

Among 16 post-baccalaureate schools awarding a Master's degree, ESSCA is one of the 2 schools with the highest salaries upon graduation.

The Bachelor in International Management ranks 3rd among 14 3-year degree-granting programs, and stands out for its attractiveness, with over 4,000 applicants.

Based on a questionnaire sent to schools and data from public sources, the ranking is based on 9 families of criteria to rank post-bac business schools. The indicators that score the most points are accreditations and the award of the DD&RS label (a new criterion). The rate of scholarship holders and the number of double degrees also make their entry into the criteria evaluated by the support. In the Bachelor's ranking, the salary criterion has been replaced by the proportion of graduates in employment.

We would like to emphasize ESSCA's prominence in the editorial section, with a quote from Jean Charroin, ESSCA's Managing Director, in the editorial (p76), a photo of our Lyon campus on the opening page of the postbac ranking, two quotes from ESSCA (p98 and p100) and a verbatim from our Programs Director, Christine Sinapi, in the article highlighting double degrees (p106).

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