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December 13/ La Ruche qui dit oui, how to combine business and solidarity?

Organised by "Entrepreneurs"

La Ruche qui dit oui,
how to combine business and solidarity

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 8:00 am to 9:30 am,

At UBS, 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris.
For its 51st meeting, the ESSCA Entrepreneurs' Club welcomes Marc-David CHOUKROUN, co-founder of La Ruche Qui Dit Oui (RQDO), a social enterprise linking small producers and urban consumers.
RQDO's dazzling success is the successful combination of the social economy and Web 2.0.
Created in 2010, RQDO has taken the AMAP concept and developed it into a business, first in France and now established in Belgium, Spain and the UK.
M-D CHOUKROUN will talk about the key factors in the company's success, the stages of its development, the various fund-raisings, some decisive encounters and the march towards international expansion.

The meeting will be preceded by a talk by Julien VINCENTI, UBS, on a topical economic issue.

To register, click on the following link

We would like to thank Christian DESFOSSES (ESSCA 1991), Executive Director at UBS, for welcoming us to his premises and treating us to breakfast.
The ESSCA Entrepreneurs' Club is open to former ESSCA graduates (and their friends). It puts entrepreneurs or future entrepreneurs in contact with :
  • ESSCA alumni who have successfully created their own company
  • specialists whose work will help create or develop a business.

We meet one Tuesday a month from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., leaving our working day free. Those who succeed get up early ;-))
Pierre-Michel COUTURIER & Franck TANGUY, C2E coordinators.
Join us on our Linkedin Hub, Viadeo, Facebook and twitter : @clubEntrepESSCA
club entrepreneurs ESSCA in
Club e-mail address:
Tuesday 13 December 2016
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS


69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS

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Tuesday 13 December 2016
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS
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