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march 14 / positive thinking, a new managerial tool!

Organised by "Entrepreneurs"

Positive thinking,
new managerial tool!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.
At UBS, 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris.
For its 54th meeting, the ESSCA Entrepreneurs' Club welcomesFlorenceSERVAN-SCHREIBER best-selling author and corporate speaker...
Florence S.S. comes from a family of entrepreneurs and politicians. Over the past 20 years, she has developed recognized experience in personal development techniques after studying in the USA. She is the author of the books '3 kiffs par jour' and 'Power patate'. She advises companies for whom she runs seminars designed to enhance employee fulfillment.

Her talk will focus on the 'superpowers' we can reveal by working for and with others. She'll also give us the keys to good employer-employee relations, with a particular focus on issues linked to the relationship between generations (seniors and juniors), and on working with friends and family.

The meeting will be preceded by a talk by Julien VINCENTI, UBS, on a topical economic issue.

The ESSCA Entrepreneurs' Club is open to former ESSCA graduates (and their friends). It puts entrepreneurs or future entrepreneurs in contact with :
  • ESSCA alumni who have successfully created their own company
  • specialists whose expertise will help them create or develop a business.

We meet one Tuesday a month from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. to leave our working day free. Those who succeed get up early ;-))
Pierre-Michel COUTURIER (class of 2011), Franck TANGUY (class of 1986),
Alexis ARIE (class of 1996) & Grégoire TIBERGHIEN (class of 2007), C2E coordinators.
Join us on our Linkedin, Viadeo, Facebook and twitter Hub : @clubEntrepESSCA
club entrepreneurs ESSCA in
Club e-mail address:
Tuesday 14 March 2017
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS


69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS

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Tuesday 14 March 2017
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS
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