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Best practices in recruiting for your start-up!

Organised by "Entrepreneurs"

For its 50th meeting,

the ESSCA Entrepreneurs' Club
will welcome
headhunter, partner at Andrew Mac Thomas.

Tuesday October 11, 8:00am - 9:30am
at UBS, 69 bd Haussmann, Paris
His firm specializes in recruitment in the fields of life sciences, industry and new technologies.
With 15 years' experience in the recruitment field, he will share with us his answers to the problems faced by a start-up.

Indeed, recruiting the first employees is a crucial step: how to choose the right profile, how to determine the candidate's real motivation, how to share the company's values, how to build loyalty, but also how to dismiss if the recruitment proves to be wrong...
Paul BLANVILLAIN will address all these questions and more, and his answers will help you identify the best practices for long-term recruitment.

The meeting will be preceded by a talk by Julien VINCENTI, (UBS Group), on a topical economic issue.

We would like to thank Christian DESFOSSES (class of 1991), UBS, for welcoming us to his premises and offering us breakfast.

Pierre-Michel Couturier (class of 2011)
Franck Tanguy (class of 1986)
Tuesday 11 October 2016
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS


69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS

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Tuesday 11 October 2016
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS
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