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Night of Ideas 2024

Nuit des Idées 2024, an event organized by the French Institute of Portugal to be held at Teatro São Luiz on September 23.

Nuit des Idées was created in 2015 and takes place every year in over 60 countries.

It constitutes a common space for freedom of expression and creation, a privileged moment of exchange between specialists from diverse disciplines (journalists, authors, poets, scientists...) and the public.

This year's theme is "fault lines".

We'll be welcoming well-known personalities such as Nastassaja Martin, Isabela Figueiredo, Joana Bértholo, António Pinto Ribeiro, Telma Tvon and Rui Tavares.

Discover the program in French here, and in Portuguese.

Monday 23 September 2024
18:00 (GMT +2)
Teatro São Luiz
R. António Maria Cardoso 38
1200-027 Lisbonne

Teatro São Luiz

R. António Maria Cardoso 38
1200-027 Lisbonne

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Luis Miguel Cintra Hall and Bernardo Sassetti Hall

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Monday 23 September 2024
18:00 (GMT +2)
Teatro São Luiz
R. António Maria Cardoso 38
1200-027 Lisbonne
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