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Next Entrepreneurs' Club meeting / January 23

Organised by "Entrepreneurs"


Tuesday, January 23, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.

At UBS - 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris.


What does it mean to be a chef today?


François BERT

author of the book Le temps des chefs est venu

A graduate of St Cyr, a former paratrooper and then portfolio manager, François Bert now runs the Edelweiss RH firm.

A leader is first and foremost intelligence in action and operational discernment.

So what will make you a good 'chef' today?

At the head of your company, with your partners when setting up or taking over a business, and of course with your colleagues, you will need to apply 3 types of skills:

- Getting to know you

\ surround yourself with those who complement you

- enduring in hardship

François BERT will explain how to apply these principles in everyday life.

Registration required

C2E animators.

Alexis ARIE, Pierre-Michel COUTURIER, Franck TANGUY, & Grégoire TIBERGHIEN

Tuesday 23 January 2018
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS


69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS

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Tuesday 23 January 2018
08:00 - 09:30
69, Boulevard Haussmann
75008 PARIS
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