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Péniche Mercuriale evening

Extend the revelation of the Mercuriale theme with a Soirée Péniche

After the revelation, head to the Péniche Quai des Carmes in Angers for a night to remember. Come and dance, chat and celebrate the launch in a festive atmosphere. We promise you an evening not to be missed!

from Tuesday 17 September
to Wednesday 18 September 2024
02:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th September
La Péniche
Quai des Carmes
49000 ANGERS
  • 9 € Barge access

Registration closed

La Péniche

Quai des Carmes
49000 ANGERS

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from Tuesday 17 September
to Wednesday 18 September 2024
02:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th September
La Péniche
Quai des Carmes
49000 ANGERS
  • 9 € Barge access

Registration closed
  • 250 registrants
  • Add to my calendar