
Blockchain technology, although often associated with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, represents much more than just a financial tool. It is first and foremost a public, decentralized database, offering a multitude of innovative applications:

  • Financial asset: the cryptocurrency market, valued at over $3,000 billion, is attracting more and more investors, particularly among the younger generation. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, interest in these digital assets has grown considerably.
  • Financial industry: major financial institutions, such as banks, asset managers and insurers, are now integrating blockchain-related projects into their strategies.
  • Traceability tool: luxury brands such as LVMH are using blockchain to ensure the traceability of their products and combat counterfeiting.
  • Artistic support: NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) can be used to tokenize digital works of art, such as photographs, paintings or digital experiences.
  • Decentralized governance: blockchain enables decentralized, transparent voting systems within associations or communities.

Regulation and innovation

France plays a leading role in European blockchain regulation, with institutions such as the AMF and ACPR at the forefront of these advances. The Banque de France is also at the forefront of the European Central Bank's exploratory work on a digital euro exchangeable on blockchains.

Interest for ESSCA

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are attracting growing interest among the French, particularly young people and dynamic executives. According to recent studies, 14% of French people hold cryptocurrencies, making the industry a new hobby for executives. Even those who don't make it their profession are keeping a close eye on news from this fast-growing sector. At recent events with ESSCA Alumni, I've seen that many students are already aware of these topics, often through friends or their own investments.

Current landscape

Paris is a dynamic hub for blockchain, with several free weekly events such as conferences, meetups and open days. Inviting blockchain ecosystem players, individuals or companies, to participate in our events would be relatively easy. Other grandes écoles, such as Polytechnique and HEC, have already set up active crypto associations, regularly organizing hackathons and meetups.

Proposal for ESSCA Alumni

The Blockchain Club would be a place for exchange, acculturation and sharing. Its objectives would be:

  • for alumni: organize thematic meetings, bring together professionals working in the industry in France and abroad, answer questions from professionals curious but unfamiliar with blockchain, and invite market experts for conferences and debates.
  • And for current students: present the blokchain professions and the companies that are recruiting, encourage participation in hackathons and foster exchanges with engineers and students from other business schools, to create synergies and enrich their skills.