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A look back at the inauguration of the AI for Sustainability Institute - November 15, 2023

18 December 2023 On the Research side
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 166 times

ESSCA launches a new research institute dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI) and sustainability. Headed by Dejan GLAVAS, Professor of Sustainable Finance at ESSCA, this

This unique institute brings together French and international researchers, institutions and practitioners to advance thinking and propose concrete solutions to environmental and social challenges.

Can artificial intelligence help meet environmental challenges?

On the occasion of ESSCA's launch of the "AI for Sustainability" research institute, Fields medal-winning mathematician Cédric VILLANI shed light on this issue, which divides scientists and economic observers alike.

His inaugural speech set the scene: we are on the cusp of fundamental changes in our societies, our economies and our environment, and to make the necessary transitions a success, AI must play its part... but not alone!

Making the right diagnoses, planning actions, wanting change, governing without fail, giving ourselves the means, financing and training, and above all, changing our behavior: a vast task awaits us all.

Round table "The environmental challenges of AI".

Round-table participants Théo Alves Da Costa, head of sustainable development and climate at Ekimetrics, co-chairman of Data For Good, Elise Berlinski, professor at Neoma Business School, Laurent Inard, partner at Mazars and member of the supervisory board of Mazars France, Elena Maksimovich, founder of the Weather Trade Net startup specializing in climate risks, Aude Rychalski, professor at ESSCA and Delphine Sabattier, Tech et Politiques Numériques journalist, all opened windows onto the applications of AI in the service of transitions

by sharing their expertise and work.

  • Théo ALVES DA COSTA - General observations on the impact of AI and sustainability
  • Elena MAKSIMOVICH - How can AI be used in the context of climate change?
  • Delphine SABATTIER - What are the positive uses of AI in terms of social impact?
  • Laurent INARD - AI in the service of the environment
  • Elise BERLINSKI - How can we take a critical look at the abuses of AI?
  • Cédric VILLANI - Does the EU AI Act go far enough?
  • Théo ALVES DA COSTA - The use of LLM models and the transfer of our intellect to AI
  • Laurent INARD and Cédric VILLANI - The question of censorship

Click below to find all the latest news from the institute:

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