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Call for entries for the Arts et Métiers Grand Prix for Responsible Industries - Edition 2025

11 September 2024 Business life of graduates
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 3 times

The merger of ESSCA with various engineering schools, in particular Arts et Metiers Paritech, has led to the creation of a joint MBA between the two establishments. In keeping with ESSCA's commitment to supporting entrepreneurship, we are passing on this call for entries for the Arts et Métiers - Edition 2025 Grand Prix, open to all responsible industries... It's up to you!

Apply now!

Are you an industrial startup that has made the strategic decision to invest in production facilities in France?

So apply now until midnight on October 31, 2024.

Re-industrializing France has become a key objective of national public policy. It will involve innovation by industrial startups, who are committed to developing production activities in France.

What's more, this new industrial activity will have to be sustainable, to contribute to the environmental transition.

The Arts et Métiers Foundation, in partnership with Bpifrance, theAcadémie des technologies,ENSAM and the Société des Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers, has created the " Arts et Métiers Grand Prix for Responsible Industries ", designed to reward startups with a solid project for creating production jobs.

Perspective for candidates:

  • 30,000 in prizes
  • The opportunity to present your project with maximum visibility at the Arts et Métiers Responsible Industries Grand Prix Awards Ceremony.

to be held on March 6, 2025 at the Bpifrance offices in Paris, with the participation of decision-makers from the world of industry.

The Grand Prix rules are available at: https: //

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