To the attention of all ESSCA stakeholders.
At a time when our personal and professional lives are increasingly impacted by the unprecedented environmental crisis facing the world (climate change, collapse of biodiversity), a number of higher education establishments are transforming their activities to prepare the younger generations to meet these challenges.
As a result, a large number of management schools are taking a radical turn to evolve their model and train tomorrow's decision-makers with this in mind.
By way of contrast, the number of positions integrating CSR issues is booming, testifying to the growing interest of companies in these impact-oriented professions.and the pressure exerted by the world of finance (bankers, investors), which now almost systematically integrates ESG criteria. These professions are particularly popular with the younger generation, who see them as a way of giving meaning to their careers and taking action for a more sustainable society.
ESSCA, with its status as an association and recognized as a not-for-profit educational establishment, was a pioneer in this field, creating a chair dedicated to the social economy (ESS) as early asa chair dedicated to the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as early as 1996, and by deploying a structured approach to environmental and social issues. In particular, the school was awarded the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label in 2018, the LPO label for the Angers campus in 2019, and in 2020 climbed into the world's top 10 business schools for its scientific publications linked to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
And the commitment continues with the creation, in late 2020 - early 2021, of a CSR advisory committee, a commission in favor of diversity and inclusion, and the introduction of a modulation of tuition fees according to family income.
We're proud of it all!
However, in view of the social and environmental challenges facing the world and the necessary transformation of businesses, we believe it is vital for ESSCA to accelerate its transition by emphasizing the professionalization of all its students.its transition by emphasizing the professionalization of all its students, as CSR is set to become an integral part of all business activities.
Deeply attached to our school, our dream is for ESSCA to be recognized as the benchmark post-baccalaureate management school for training responsible leaders.
Our dream is for 100% of our students to be aware of and trained in climate issues and their repercussions on the economic world during their entire course of study.
Our dream is for CSR to permeate all subjects, for students to be familiar with green accounting, responsible finance, socially responsible investment and ESG criteria.ESG criteria, that responsible marketing rhymes with ODD, commitment, stakeholders, co-construction or raison d'être, mission, purpose, upcycling, circular economy...
Our dream is that students will choose ESSCA because it understands their aspirations in terms of the urgency of meeting these societal and environmental challenges through their professional commitment.
Our dream is for ESSCA to promote its commitment to these new issues as a key criterion in the choice of baccalaureate holders for school selection, on a par with salary levels or the number of publications.
Our dream is that students graduating from ESSCA will be convinced and equipped to help companies evolve to reconcile the economy with a positive impact.
Our dream is that companies will choose ESSCA as their partner in this transformation of the economy, because of its ability to train future managers for the challenges of today and tomorrow.
To make this dream a reality and support ESSCA in its necessary transformation, we are creating the "ESSCA Alumni Transition" community.
This community is open to all those who share this dream: students, teachers, alumni, associations and partner companies.
ESSCA Alumni Transition aims to take concrete action to :
- Contribute to the development of ESSCA's CSR strategy and, in particular, to the development of the school's educational programs to fully integrate environmental and social issues,
- Raise students' and alumni's awareness of transition issues and support their transition to action.
Its actions, which may take various forms, will be defined by the members of the community: let's build this project together, pooling our will, knowledge and expertise!
Whatever your level of involvement, you can show your support for ESSCA Alumni Transition. All you have to do is join the community by becoming a member of the Club Impact Positif. You'll be kept informed of all upcoming actions.
Thank you for your participation!
ESSCA Alumni Transition is an initiative launched by Clémence Blanc (1998), Vincent Juilliard (2012), Marine Le Picard (1998), Gautier Lictevout (1998), Anne-France Mariacher (1992), Clara Moronval (2007), Sandra Sydow (1997) and Quentin Thomas (2020).