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A find from the archives: our association is in fact over a century old!

25 March 2024 Life of the association
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 380 times

Our archaeological plunges into the archives of the school and the association are still yielding great finds...

While researching a completely different subject, we came across the statutes of the very first ESSCA alumni association.

Relying on the original articles of association filed with the Préfecture, we thought our association dated back to 1938, but in fact, a first association entitled Association Amicale des Anciens Elèves de l'Ecole Supérieure de Commerce d'Angers had been created on June 28, 1921, as the unearthed articles of association show.

As a reminder, the first class had graduated less than 10 years earlier...

We missed the centenary, but we're already preparing an event for the 105th anniversary of the association.

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