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Envolée: creative escapades in Barcelona with Julie Chopineaux

18 December 2023 Portrait of graduates
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 313 times

Julie Chopineaux (class of 2011)

After a career focused on fashion, customer management and product development in France and Australia, I decided to set up my own business in Barcelona.

Before this transition, I needed to take a break, reflect on a moment in my life and get closer to my deepest aspirations.

This period was a challenge, as it is for so many other women, because it's often difficult to make time for yourself.

With my project, envolée, I hope to offer women this little helping hand!

envolée invites you to creative urban escapades, 3-day weekends in Barcelona for women, designed as a sunny call to awaken.

Each theme-focused getaway offers an immersive experience, combining personal exploration, creativity and sharing among an inspiring tribe of women.

These moments will leave you with a feeling of well-being and renewed motivation, ideal for changing your outlook.

Special offer

160 discount

on the price of the January 19-21, 2024 getaway "Our food: an ally for our emotional well-being" with code essca_envolee.

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