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CSR Awards: the 2024 nominees

25 March 2024 ESSCA Awards 2024
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 2303 times

Thibaud Walter (13)

Héloïse Lamotte (20)

Olivier Marti (00)

Sophie Le Maire (98)

CSR is now a key element in our ranking, and has found its rightful place in the life of companies and in our daily lives. This year, it's the "societal" and inclusion dimension that will be in the spotlight.

Inclusion of the disabled in the world of work, improvement of the daily lives of the elderly, better inclusion of women or support for medical research, ESSCA companies are each taking action in their own field to make the daily lives of their fellow citizens easier, and in so doing, uphold the values of humanism that are the foundation of our school.

The 4 2024 nominees for the CSR Prize are :

Thibaud Walter (13)

Director of an ESAT

After graduating in 2013, Thibaud Walter began his career in the non-profit sector.

After an end-of-studies internship with Médecins sans frontières (MSF) as a corporate partnership development assistant, in 2013 he joined ARSEG (Association des Directeurs de l'Environnement de Travail) as a development officer.

In 2014, Thibaud joined Unapei, a leading association in the field of disability, as head of corporate sponsorship and partnerships. Then, in 2018, Thibaud Walter became head of partnerships and fundraising at Unapei.

After further training as director of a medical-social establishment, his professional career took a new turn in 2021, when he joined Unapei de l'Oise to manage an Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail (ESAT) in Crépy-en-Valois.

In this management role, he is responsible for the strategic and operational management of an establishment supporting 50 disabled workers through various economic activities, and is helping to launch a new workshop.

At the end of 2023, within the same association, he took over the management of ESAT du Thérain in Beauvais, which supports 175 disabled workers, contributing to the development and recognition of their skills, their social and professional inclusion and ensuring that they are well cared for.

It pilots 8 trades, enabling people with disabilities to develop in a suitable environment while meeting the requirements of contractors: packaging, laundry, sewing, green spaces, vegetable processing, premises maintenance, carpentry and metalwork.

Over the years, he has worked towards a society of living together and the recognition of the skills of people with disabilities.

Héloïse Lamotte (20)

President and founder
Mains d'argent

Graduating in 2021, Héloïse Lamotte began her professional career a few years earlier as a brand ambassador for the Pumpkin app as a student job.

Then, in 2019, she joins The Plum Guide as Head of Partnerships.

She plays a key role in developing strategic partnerships and managing relationships with homeowners.

In 2020, Héloïse Lamotte broadens her horizons and joins Club Med as Assistant Business Developer for the Meetings & Events division.

In January 2021 , she has the opportunity to put her operational marketing skills into practice by joining Benefit Cosmetics as an assistant.

In January 2022, she decided to take an important step in her career, by founding Mains d'Argent, a Perpignan-based company whose primary mission is to combat the social isolation of our elders.

This intergenerational service transforms supermarkets into meeting places thanks to the "Compagnons d'Emplettes".

The concept: offer a turnkey service to supermarkets to improve the in-store customer experience for senior citizens, who are accompanied free of charge during their shopping by students paid under the self-employed status.

Héloïse Lamotte founded the first intergenerational retail service, Compagnons d'Emplettes, which optimizes in-store traffic, streamlines the checkout process and builds customer loyalty at partner supermarkets.

"So that shopping is as important as spending time with your grandson".

Sophie Le Maire (98)

Development Director

AP-HP Foundation

After graduating in 1998, Sophie Le Maire began her international career in the telecoms sector, before returning to France in 2002 as Senior Researcher at Institut Fournier.

In April 2007, she shifted her focus to the philanthropic sector, joining Philanthrôpia as Director/Consultant.

It supports major initiatives at renowned institutions such as the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, the Université de Strasbourg and the Institut Curie.

In May 2013, Sophie Le Maire continued her specialization in fundraising at Hopening as a Consulting Director, where she implements innovative and effective fundraising strategies.

In January 2017, she joined the AP-HP Foundation as Development Director. In this role, she oversees all the Foundation's fundraising and communications activities. She plays a key role in mobilizing resources to support research and innovation projects in the 38 hospitals of Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris.

By the end of 2022, she will also be acting director of the Fondation de l'AP-HP, where she will skilfully steer the development and management of the Foundation's activities, which will employ some sixty people.

Sophie Le Maire will shortly be joining the Fratries association, which is particularly well established in the west of France, with two houses already open in Nantes, one in Rennes and one in Colombes in Ile-de-France, where mentally handicapped young people and active young people without disabilities live together.

She will once again be in charge of developing resources in the form of sponsorship and socially responsible investment.

Olivier Marti (00)

Founder CEO

Women First

Graduating from ESSCA in 2000 with a Master's degree in Sales Leadership and Marketing Intelligence, Olivier Marti has built a solid career in sales, marketing and recruitment.

For four years, Olivier Marty was Head of Sales & Partnerships France on Western Union's Business Solutions Executive Committee.

In 2013, he was promoted to Global Sales Director at Agence Vitae Conseil, where he specialized in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and sourcing. For three years, he led outsourced recruitment operations for Page Outsourcing, an RPO brand of PageGroup, with a focus on large-scale recruitment plans.

In 2020, Olivier Marty founded SPEAK TO CEO, a consulting company that helps organizations strengthen their development by focusing on two key resources: People and Data.

In October 2020, he also founded CANDIDATE FIRST, a recruitment agency specializing in executive search.

Then in February 2021, Olivier launched WOMEN FIRST, an initiative to accelerate the feminization of companies and help women achieve their professional goals.

WOMEN FIRST offers career coaching, management consulting, events and networks to support women in their professional development.

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